Saturday, January 23, 2010

Annoying Ivy

I got to play with Sammy and get a little muddy in the process. I haven't played with him in months! I can't say hi to my friends when Gracie's around and she's been here forever now.

I was taking a little snooze after getting the mud washed off and Ivy kept crowding me. Her stupid whiskers are all tickly and she was annoying me. I don't mind sharing my bed with her, just don't touch me!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It worked!

So mom fell for my, "come on, gimme some!" face while she was making Ivy's food. Mwa ha ha!
Yep, Gracie's still here. Been 3 months now. She's cool though, I don't mind too much...except when I get chunks of her hair in my eye; that sucked.