Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I don't remember being consulted about bringing a 4 month old puppy home!
Her name at the shelter was Trip but she doesn't know it so we're going to change it. Not sure what yet. Mom's been calling her Loca cuz she's kinda crazy but we can't keep that name; who would want to adopt a dog named Crazy! :-)

She's smaller than she looks here. Mom will have to take some better pictures.
She plays like me since she's a bully so that's good. But mom has to keep an eye on us when we play as the puppy thinks she's the boss around here. Um, no, sorry kiddo, that would be me!

I'm sure she'll figure stuff out. Poor little thing has lived in the shelter half of her short life and didn't get a lot of attention there. Living in a home with us should help her relax and get used to being part of a family. She has an underbite like me so she can't be all that bad, right!?

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